BİLGİ receives ‘Accessibility in Education Award’ from the Council of Higher Education

BİLGİ has received the highest number of flags for ‘Accessibility in Education’ as part of the Barrier-Free University Awards 2021 organized by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK).


Within the scope of this award initiative organized since 2018, the universities are granted ‘Barrier-Free University Flags’ for three separate categories referred to as ‘Physical Accessibility’, ‘Accessibility in Education’, and ‘Accessibility in Socio-Cultural Activities’, and the universities that make their programs accessible for different groups of people with disabilities are presented with ‘Barrier-Free Program Distinction.’

As part of ‘Barrier-Free University Flags’, a total of 837 applications made by 114 universities were evaluated and 56 universities received 168 flags. BİLGİ has become one of the 14 universities that has been deemed qualified to receive flags under the ‘Accessibility in Education’ category and received the highest number of flags (6) in this category among the other universities.